Mrs Cooper took three of us from ICT club to another Junior School in Hertfordshire. We were hoping to help them with animation, sadly their software didnt work on the night, but we still had lots of fun! We made a joint Pivot animated gif and showed the other school how to change the background, as they had never done that. We had a great time. Our journey home was eventful....Mrs Cooper took a wrong turn we ended up in a farm, then went round and round in circles to get back to Hitchin. Also we narrowly escaped two accidents, as a Pheasant ran out in front of the car! That's village life for you!
Big thanks to everyone in St Paul's walden ICT club and Mrs Fenn their Headteacher, for such a warm welcome.
I love St pauls walden school it was really good the ride back to school incredible the watercres feilds were so beautiful!!!!!!!