Tuesday 28 June 2011


Its Wimbledon Week so Tennis lovers out there will be tuned in and watching or going down to London to see it live.  We hope the rain stays away and the games are exciting.

Come rain or shine though, you can enjoy the game from your computer...its fun!  CLICK either of the pictures below to play! 
Tennis game from 2011

Pong from 1972
 "Pong" is a game which some of your teachers would have thought was such an amazing computer game, back in the 1970's.   Please leave us a comment telling us which game you liked playing the best and why!


  1. I liked pong the best because you just had to use the mouse not the keyboard as you had to do with the tennis one.

  2. Yes thats interesting Dominic, that the controls for the older game in this version are mouse driven, yet the newer one is just keyboard! Thanks for your comment and for following our blog!
