Tuesday 13 March 2012

We've been shortlisted!!

Campus West, Welwyn Garden City
Exciting NEWS...our 'Walk to School' film has been shortlisted in this County competition, and Mrs Cooper is taking us all to Campus West in Welwyn Garden City to the award ceremony this week. We had such alot of fun making our film, and are keen to see the other films that got shortlisted too.  We get to see our film on the big silver screen. Fingers crossed!  We sang a song and made animations and live video footage, and used Pivot stick figure to get our message across.  Do you walk to school? Could you park the car a little way away and walk in for part of your journey?? Let us know!  


  1. You will notice from the links on the right, that we won this award back in 2009...so three years later and a whole load of fresh ideas, how will we do??

  2. I always walk to school except on Tuesdays where Dad takes me to school (by car).
